About Cai

My primary goal is to help you better realize data for research and development by leveraging powerful, context-appropriate analyses and providing clear interpretations of results.

This desire to clean and clarify data started in undergraduate research, where I first applied data science theories to extract water concentrations from the spectra of rocks on Mars. Approaching a large, complex set of numbers and turning them into a meaningful insight on the potential for life on Mars immediately turned into a passion for the process. 

From first approaching and wrangling data to polishing figures for universal understanding, a deep knowledge of methods and consideration for the context of the work are essential. Every step of the process is rewarding and reveals better ways to understand the data. Reliable data science also requires experience and versatility to best approach a problem that has a unique set of constraints or applications to examine.

With my expertise in two disciplines, graduate training in reproducible coding and methodology, and research experience in academia, industry, and institutions, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge in what works best, when, and why. 

I look forward to undertaking the analysis you present me as every project has the opportunity to expand on this knowledge and uncover fundamental truths more effectively